Saturday, August 11, 2007


When I tend to have hiccups, the very first thing I run after is to try flushing down my throat with huge volumes of water, because at times it might last for, say an hour or two non-stop. I happened to stumble on an article relating to this.... wanted to share with you...

While many cases of hiccup develop spontaneously, hiccups are known to develop often in specific situations, for example eating too quickly, eating very hot or spicy food, taking a cold drink while eating a hot meal, laughing vigorously, drinking an alcoholic beverage to excess, and electrolyte imbalance.

I am sure a lot of you experienced hiccups before… there is nothing too interesting or unusual about it. Read along....

The story or a young girl who has had hiccups for over 3 weeks! Check out the following video of the girl on the show, sharing her experience.

If you think this is amazing, then you are right. But do you know she is definitely not the world hiccup record holder?

The world record for non-stop hiccups belongs to an Iowa farmer who began hiccupping in 1922 while slaughtering a huge hog. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the man hiccupped 12 times a minute, 19,000 times a day which lasted for 68 years until they mysteriously stopped in 1990. Unfortunately, he died 1 year after his hiccups stopped.

Although the hiccups did not prevent him from carrying on everyday activities, they disrupted his sleep, led to extra food needs (to replace amounts thrown up while hiccupping) and often shook loose his false teeth!

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