Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Say Cheese!!!

Hi folks, I am back!!!!

The search is over.... at last. Of late, I was quite perturbed and confused, so to speak, whether to go ahead with PlayStation or a Digicam, to start off with the New Year. It was the latter that emerged the winner. {Sigh, sigh..... I would have loved to lay my hands on PlayStation, but I guess I would require the so-called drug, PATIENCE}

Psst!!! just between us... I hate to use the word flattery, but you would be dazed to find me being awarded for the Best of the Century in Photography.. hawhawhaw..

Enough of your crap is the very first thing that you would want to beseech me... well then, let's get to business. After a long search, I finally ended up with Olympus FE-170.


Anonymous said...

I know how good a photographer you are....!!! Poor Digicam....

Anonymous said...

No frequent posts, running short of ideas... :-)