Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Whoa!!!! Fantabulous


Julian Beever is an English artist who’s famous for his art on the pavement of England, France, Germany, USA, Australia and Belgium. It’s particularity? Beever gives to his drawing an anamorphose, his images are drawn completly diforms which give a 3D image when viewing on the righ angle … see for yourself it’s amazing !!!


Anonymous said...

Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler
Debit card = Bad credit
Slot machines = Cash lost in 'em
School master = The classroom
Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one
Dormitory = Dirty room
Punishment = Nine Thumps
The Morse code = Here come dots
A decimal point = I'm a dot in place
Astronomer = Moon starer
The eyes = They see
Payment received = Every cent paid me
Conversation = Voices rant on
The public art galleries = Large picture halls, I bet
Election results = Lies – let's recount

Anonymous said...
